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Photo Gallery / 1985-89
1985 Robin Carter mono.jpg

1985 Robin Carter - open monohull

1985 Keith McVaigh.jpg

1985  Keith McVaigh  Ringwood / Konig / class OC

1985 Mick Pentney class OC.jpg
1986 Neil Quantrill.jpg

1985 Mick Pentney  Ringwood / Konig 500 

1986  Neil Quantrill class T1 Monohull

List of Entries for the 1985 season

1986 entries 2.jpg
1986 entries 1.jpg

1985 Mick Pentney  Ringwood / Konig 500 

Doug Willey 1985.jpg
1986-87 D Issitt in F3 Gola.jpg

1985  Doug WiIley Ringwood / Konig 700cc, multi-hydroplane champion

1987 Peter Rix class OC.tif

1986  Derrick Issitt British OE Champion

1981 Ron Temple.jpg

1985  Peter Rix class OC outboard hydro

1981  Ron Temple class NE outboard monohull

90 years of racing on Oulton Broad - the world's oldest motorboat racing venue

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